Visitor's Profile

Visitors’ Profile: Alexpo is being visited by entrepreneurs and individuals looking for new products or seeking reliable partnerships.
Commercial attachés: In 2018, commercial attachés of 12 countries (Turkey, Russia, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Egypt, South Korea) were present.
Number of visitors*: Around 50,000 visitors visited Alexpo 2014. It is being estimated that this year the visitors will be more 60.000.
[ * Data obtained after (a) anonymous quantitative survey of a random sample of visitors and (b) anonymous quantitative survey of exhibitors in Alexpo 2014 suggest: 47,61% of visitors are male, while 52.39 % are women. 20.31 % is between 18 and 35 years of age, 61.13% is between 36 and 65 years old and 18.56% is over 65 years of age. 98.24% of visitors would recommend to friends and acquaintances to visit the exhibition, while 98,83% of visitors said that they intend to revisit the exhibition in the future. 94.97% of visitors are satisfied with the services of organizing and 94.04% are satisfied with the information received. 43.01% visited the exhibition for business purposes, while others so as to learn about the products of the region (22.20%), as a simple visit (27.78%), or in order to support the institution (6.43%). ]